Major technoloy projects for the 2009-10 school year include:
Continue the successful tablet PC technology integration program
Continue to evaluate, identify & implement new technologies to streamline effective instructional applications of technology integration.
Implement bandwidth upgrades necessary to maintain and develop applications across the division wide area network and internet
BCPS moved to a symmetrical 5mb DSL connection for internet connectivity, dropping the VITA 3mb line and the 3mb DSL internet line. The connection has been stable throughout the year, and has adequately served the internet needs of the schools.
The School Administration Building T1 line was discontinued, and a 3mb business DSL line was added.
Encourage greater use of current structures for instructional data storage/access at all three schools, and expand authenticated student storage/access at both elementary schools.
Encourage/assist administrative staff to increase applications for information storage/collaboration with each other, building staff and community.
Expand to full implementation of PowerSchool student records system at BCHS, and Introduce PowerGrade program to upper elementary grade staff.
Implement conversion from Symantec AntiVirus/Spam Filter to Microsoft Forefront products.
Begin transition to Windows 7 operating system in division workstations.
Continue participation in Blue Ridge East Technology Consortium to increase technology professional development opportunities for instructional staff.
BCPS continued to host the BRETC web presence.
BCPS participated in a grant writing project with other BRETC school divisions.
As the Ed Tech funding for BRETC was discontinued and the consortium's grant application was not funded, BRETC became dormant by the end of 2009-10.
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