Develop wireless network access capability throughout school facilities.
Continue to improve the management structure of division computer networks, to be able to respond to user requests more quickly and efficiently, more fully automate software updates, and better respond to more urgent division-wide events
Continue to expand browser-based content for the division, including both informational and data collection resources.
- Continue to expand division-wide technology professional development programs to include multiple opportunities each month for licensed and classified staff.
Office and lab computer workstations replacements division-wide for machines operating below the Pentium III level, with all workstations using Windows XP or higher operating system.
Continued staff development opportunities to enhance integration of technology into classroom instruction
Ensure continued completion of Technology Certification process for all licensed instructional staff.
Continued participation in regional distance learning consortium and other initiatives to increase classroom alternatives for BCHS students.
Continued participation in the E-SOL assessment program at BCHS.
Continued participation in middle school E-SOL assessment program.
Continued participation in Project RETURN, providing additional hardware and webbased instruction for students in need of alternative education.
Continuation of technology infrastructure maintenance and support.
Network operating system access/maintenance
Internet Access with Filtering Software
Virus Protection/Response
Web Hosting
Web/Intranet Development
Online Data Collections
Distance Learning classroom at BCHS
Application & Specialty Software Maintenance & Support
Hardware & Multimedia Support