Economics/ Personal Finance SY 2011-2012
Mr. Trumbo
Bath County High School
Textbook: “Economics & Personal Finance”
This course is NOT included in the Standard of Learning End of Course Training.
You must PASS this class to graduate.
Methods of Evaluation
1. Tests/ Quizzes
a. Test will be announced. Quizzes may or may not be announced.
2. Projects
a. Projects will be assigned and graded as a test or quiz grade.
3. Classwork/ homework
a. Classwork / homework will be assigned. A Grade will be given for each
Cheating will be handled as described as in the student handbook.
Grading scale is attached.
Expectations for classroom behavior are attached.
Suggested materials:
1. Notebook
2. Highlighter
3. Pens and pencils
4. Three-ring binder
Chapters to be covered:
First nine weeks:
1. Chapter 1—Skills for Success
2. Chapter 2-- Basic Economics
3. Chapter 3-- Personal Finance
4. Chapter 4-- Financial Planning
5. Chapter 5-- Money Management
6. Chapter 6-- Economic System
Second nine weeks:
1. Chapter 7-- American Free Enterprise
2. Chapter 8-- Demand
3. Chapter 9—Supply
4. Chapter 10 – Prices
5. Chapter 11—Consumer Management
6. Chapter 12—Market Stucture
Third nine weeks:
1. Chapter 13- Labor
2. Chapter 14- Money and Banking
3. Chapter 15- Financial Markets
4. Chapter 16- Gross Domestic Products ad Growth
5. Chapter 17- Think like and Entrepreneur
6. Chapter 18- Starting your own Business
Fourth nine weeks:
1. Chapter 19- Financial Calculations for Business
2. Chapter 20- Economic Challenges
3. Chapter 21- Business Management and Issues
4. Chapter 22- Taxes and Government Spending
5. Chapter 23- Fiscal Policy
6. Chapter 24- The Federal Reserve ad Monetary Policy
7. Chapter 25- International Trade
We will make any adjustments in this Syllabus as necessary.
Any Questions? Please contact/ask me.