This course provides an overview of basic physical and chemical concepts. Topics include atom structure, the periodic table, types of chemical reactions, motion, waves, electricity, and magnetism. Students also conduct guided activities as well as collect data and draw conclusions.
Prerequisite: None Grade: 8
Earth Science is divided into four areas of study. The astronomy unit provides an opportunity to study the origin, composition and structure of the universe and the position of earth in space. The meteorological unit provides a study of the forces affecting our weather and their effect on the human environment. In the oceanography unit, the student learns to identify the dynamic forces affecting the movements of ocean water and the physical features found on the ocean floor. The unit of geology introduces rocks, minerals and the forces which shape our planet. Students are provided activities to promote mastery and understanding of the concepts of science presented in the four basic units of study. Writing activities and varied forms of instruction are used to enhance student achievement.
Prerequisite: Physical Science Grade: 9
BIOLOGY - 1 Credit
This course will explore the fundamental characteristics of life from the molecular level to the ecosystem level. Emphasis is placed on the unity, diversity, and interaction and interdependence of living things. Laboratory and inquiry experiences are a necessary component of biology and many topics will involve issue analysis by students with respect to practical and ethical concerns of science, technology and society.
Prerequisite: Earth Science Grade: 10
EARTH SCIENCE II (Topics in Environmental Science) - 1 Credit
Earth Science II is the study of the interaction of living organisms with one another and with their nonliving environment and matter. In this course, students will learn the basic ecological principles that govern nature. Students will also apply their knowledge to better understand important environmental issues. The ultimate goal is for students to gain the science knowledge necessary to analyze issues concerning humans and their interaction with the environment. This class will provide students the third science required of the state Standards of Quality without taking Chemistry.
Prerequisite: Earth Science and Biology; all Advanced-Studies diploma candidates and college-bound students will take Chemistry and Physics, or AP Biology Grades: 11 or 12
CHEMISTRY - 1 Credit
Chemistry deals with the structure and composition of matter that constitutes living things and their environment. It involves an extensive study of atomic structure and the interrelationships among atoms. Students will learn to predict products of given reactants and recognize reaction types. Emphasis is placed on the interdependence of atoms and Stoichiometry. Students are provided activities to help them better understand the concepts. Chemistry is recommended for admission to technical and nursing schools and to four-year colleges.
Prerequisite: Algebra I Grades: 11, 12
PHYSICS - 1 Credit
Physics uses concepts and equations to describe the physical world. This course emphasizes the topics of mechanics, wave motion, optics, electricity, and magnetism. Students will conduct guided experiments and solve word problems in these topics in order to reinforce concepts. Physics is highly recommended for prospective science and engineering majors.
Prerequisite: Algebra II, Chemistry Grade: 12
This course is intended for students who have a thorough knowledge of college preparatory science and are considering science as a major in college. The course prepares students for intermediate and advanced level college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. The topics covered within this course are determined by the guidelines established by the College Board for AP Biology. They include molecules and cells, heredity and evolution, and organisms and populations. This course aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing society of biology. Mastery of laboratory science skills and knowledge will also be obtained. Twelve AP Biology laboratories will be conducted and information from these may be included on the AP Exam. All students will be required to take the AP Biology Exam and college credit may be earned through satisfactory achievement on this test. The AP Exam costs approximately $80 and this expense will be the responsibility of the student and/or parent.
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry (must have scored a minimum of 90 in Chemistry and have teacher recommendation.) Grade: 12