Ms. Hough
You will need to bring your textbook, your 3-ring binder, and a calculator to class each day. If you return to your locker during class to get these items, you will receive an unexcused tardy. Pencils may be checked out for the class period, but must be returned.
Grading System
Your grade will be based on the following things:
25% Weekly Checkups
25% Homework, Labs, and Quizzes
25% Nine Week Assessment
15% Classwork
5% Journaling
5% Participation
A Midterm Exam and a Final Exam will be given, and each will count as 20% of that semester’s grade. There is an End of Class SOL given at the end of the school year.
Letter grades are assigned as follows:
A = 100-94
B = 93-86
C = 85-78
D = 77-70
F = 69 and below
Classroom Rules
- Remain quiet while the teacher is talking.
- Remain in your seat. Students may only leave their seats during class if the teacher gives them permission to do this.
- Have all materials with you, ready to use, at the beginning of class. You will receive an unexcused tardy if you return to your locker to get materials.
- Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings in Room B110.
- Students are to stay in the lecture section of the classroom. Students may only go into the lab area when the teacher gives permission to do so.
Food/Drink/Gum Policy in Chemistry Class:
- No food or drinks in the lab area
- Drinks in the class area should have a lid on them, but drink privileges will be revoked if spilling is a problem.
- I should not see or hear gum (or its packaging).
Violating this policy may result in these items being confiscated (and thrown away).
Homework is due at the beginning of class. Late homework will only be accepted if the student stays after school on tutoring day (or by appointment) and completes the homework then (for a reduced grade). One missed homework assignment will be forgiven during each nine-weeks grading period. However, if a pop quiz is given on material from the forgiven homework, then the student is still responsible for the material.
Make up work:
“Make-up work should be assigned for all absences. Students are responsible for checking the posted homework assignment calendar in the classroom and contacting the teacher about this on the day they return to class. Students are allowed two days to make up work for each day absent. For absences of more than one day, students will be given an extra day (up to a maximum of five days) to complete make-up work for each additional day of absence. Work turned in after that time will not be accepted or graded for credit. The building administrator may make exceptions for extenuating circumstances and written notification will be sent to all relevant instructors. Students absent from school and missing a pre-assigned test are required to take the test upon their return to class.
“Students who are tardy to school are responsible for the work missed, and homework will be due the next school day. Getting the assignment and completing it is the student’s responsibility.” (Bath County High School Student/Parent Handbook, SY 2011-2012)
Note that in the case of pre-approved absences, Miss Hough requires that the work assigned for that time is due the second day the student is back in school.
All homework assignments and test announcements are located on a list in the classroom, and test dates are also listed on Miss Hough’s website,, as they are announced to the class. In the case of an absence, if there is a question about the homework, Miss Hough can be reached at or a phone message can be left at the school office (540)839-2431.
The Class:
Chemistry Chapter |
SOLs |
Week of: |
24-Aug |
Units and Conversion |
CH.1 |
29-Aug |
Chapter 12 |
CH.4 |
5-Sep |
Chapter 12 |
12-Sep |
Chapter 1-2 |
CH.1,3,5 |
19-Sep |
Chapter 1-2 |
26-Sep |
Chapter 3 |
CH.2,4 |
3-Oct |
Chapter 3 |
10-Oct |
Chapter 4 |
CH.2 |
17-Oct |
Chapter 4 |
24-Oct |
Chapter 5 |
CH.3 |
31-Oct |
Chapter 5 |
7-Nov |
Chapter 6 |
CH.2,3,6a |
14-Nov |
Chapter 6 |
21-Nov |
Fall Break |
28-Nov |
Chapter 7 |
CH.2,3,4 |
5-Dec |
Chapter 7 |
12-Dec |
Chapter 8, 17a |
CH.2, 3 |
19-Dec |
Chapter 8, 17a |
26-Dec |
Winter Break |
2-Jan |
Exam Review |
9-Jan |
Midterm Exams |
16-Jan |
Chapter 9 |
CH.4 |
23-Jan |
Chapter 9 |
30-Jan |
Chapter 10 |
CH.3,5 |
6-Feb |
Chapter 10 |
13-Feb |
Chapter 11 |
CH.5 |
20-Feb |
Chapter 11 |
27-Feb |
Chapter 13 |
CH.2,5, 6b |
5-Mar |
Chapter 13 |
12-Mar |
Chapter 14 |
CH.4,5 |
19-Mar |
Chapter 15 |
CH.3,4, 6b |
26-Mar |
Chapter 15 |
2-Apr |
Chapter 16 |
CH.4 |
9-Apr |
Chapter 16 |
16-Apr |
Chapter 18 |
CH.2,6b |
23-Apr |
Chapter 19 |
CH.3,6a |
30-Apr |
SOL review |
7-May |
SOL review |
14-May |
SOL Test? |
21-May |
SOL Test? |
28-May |
Final Exams? |
4-Jun |
Final Exams |
August 24, 2011
Dear Parent,
My name is Heather Hough and I will be teaching your child’s Chemistry class. As part of your child’s first homework assignment, would you please read over the syllabus for this class, (especially concerning homework and make-up homework), sign this form to confirm that you have read it and understood it, and have your child return this signed page to me. Your child will receive a homework grade for returning this signed letter tomorrow.
If you have questions, please feel free to leave a message for me at school at 839-2431 or e-mail me at, which is linked to the school web page.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to a successful year teaching your child.
Heather Hough
Science Teacher
Bath County High School
I have read the syllabus for the 2011-12 Chemistry class and I understand what is expected of my child in that class.