Mrs. Yohe
Course Description:
Biology is a course that explores fundamental characteristics of life from the molecular level to ecosystem level with emphasis on general biological structure and function. The curriculum will satisfy the Virginia Standards of learning for biology. Emphasis is placed on the unity, diversity, and the interaction and interdependence of living things. Laboratory and inquiry experiences are a necessary component of biology and many topics will involve issue analyses by students with respect to practical and ethical concerns of science, technology, and society.
Notebook paper
Writing utensils
Tests/Quizzes 30%
Laboratory 30%
Class work, Homework, Other 30%
Independent Study 10%
An appointment can be made with the instructor at any time during the school year to review individual grades.
Class Expectations:
1. Follow the rules in the BCHS Student Handbook and Code of Conduct.
2. Respect the people and objects in our classroom.
3. Stay in your seat unless you are given permission to leave it.
4. And for heaven’s sake, don’t talk while I am talking!!
5. Snacks and drinks are allowed. Any student who repeatedly leaves a mess from snacking or drinking in our class will lose this privilege.
You are expected to pick up your make-up work from the appropriate folder in the classroom. The BCHS handbook tells us that “Students are allowed two days to make up work for each day absent.” There are more rules about extended absences and extenuating circumstances in your BCHS handbook should you have any further questions. If you miss a test in our class and were present for the review, you will be expected to take the test the day you return. If you miss the review and the test, you will be given one extra day to study before taking the test.
Let’s enjoy this class and each other! Here’s to a great year!