Steve Halterman, Instructor
94-100= A Major Tests: 400 pts
86- 93 = B
78- 85 = C Quizzes: 400 pts
70-77 = D
Below 70 = F Class/Homework: 600 pts
Total Points: 1400 pts
*Note on grading: I grade on a point system. Each point you earn is added onto your total points. The actual points per quarter may vary somewhat from the values listed. Grade will be figured on points you have earned divided by points you could have earned. Papers will also be graded in this way, so on a paper worth 85 points, if you earn 75, your grade on a percent scale would be 75/85, or 88%.
You will be given the chance to earn extra credit points. Each point adds onto your total. Total extra credit points per quarter will be limited to about 5% of total.
1. Show respect to all others in the classroom
2. Always come to class prepared, with text, paper, pencil, notebook, calculator, and assigned work. I do not loan any of these materials, so it is totally your responsibility to have them.
3. Listen to and follow directions.
4. Start with a good attitude and work for success. Remember, the most important thing to remember is that to pass mass you must study, read and do homework AT HOME. Not doing this has been tried many times, and is a losing proposition.
1. Conference or discussion with teacher inside or outside class. Disrespect, profanity, defiance or other major infractions may lead to immediate removal to administrator.
2. Written referral to administration (can lead to suspension)
3. Notification and/or conference with parent or guardian.
Math 8 is designed to follow the SOL listed by the Virginia Department of Education. These are new this year, although very similar to what has been required in the past. The course sequence will be determined by pretests and other measurements of prior knowledge, and may vary as the year progresses. Our goal is to cover and learn the SOL.
Nine Weeks I: SOL 8.1a; 8.1b; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5a; 8.5b
Nine Weeks II: SOL 8.6a; 8.6b; 8.7a; 8.7b; 8.8a; 8.8b; 8.10a; 8.10b; 8.11
Nine Weeks III: SOL 8.9; 8.12; 8.13a; 8.13b; 8.14
Nine Weeks IV: SOL 8.15a; 8.15b; 8.15c; 8.16; 8.17 (2-3 weeks of SOL Review at end).