ART I, II, III - 1 Credit
Studio-oriented courses which include exploration in two and three-dimensional design. Students will be exposed to drawing, design, painting, crafts, ceramics, sculpture, print making, commercial art and art appreciation with emphasis on the Elements of Art and the Principles of Composition. Art III students will prepare an Art Portfolio.
Prerequisite: None Grades: 9-12
BAND - 1 Credit
The band program is open to any student in the high school who has had previous band experience or has the director’s permission. The concert and marching band is one ensemble. The Band rehearses during the school day (band class). Students enrolled in the band course are required to participate in band functions to include football games, parades, competitions, winter and spring concerts and District Band Festival in March. During Football season, the band will also rehearse on Fridays after school to prepare for the games. Students will be required to attend marching band camp at Camp Accovac during July 27 – 31, 2009. Any student that would like to be a part of band must be enrolled in band class.
Prerequisite: Previous band experience or director’s permission Grades: 9-12