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The Best Small High School in Virginia! > KidWind Electric Generation
A Blog for the KidWind students to communicate what is happening with the rest of the school community
April 25
We have arrived at JMU

We just got to JMU. I looked at everybody else’s entries, and I thought we are definitely going to win.

I have seen ours in action, and none of the others looked like they could come anywhere close.

I feel pretty tired, I had to wake up at 5:45, take a shower, and eat breakfast.

Trey S.

April 24
Helping Build the Wind Turbine

My name is Tommy H. and I am a student in the Mertz Career and Technical Center at Bath County High School.  I am one of the students that have been working on the Kidwind project. For my part, I helped assemble the wind turbine that is going to compete at JMU on Saturday. The best part of crafting the turbine is making it generate electricity. In the future, this competition will help me design wind power for houses since I will be an electrician. This will help the homeowner save at least part of the expense of the electric bill.​

By Tommy H.


April 24
​3D Printed Gears Rapid Prototyping

 It was fun making the gears learned a lot about how to use the software from Mr.Ozols. The pulley system we used before was too big and heavy. Therefore, we needed something new.  The first gear we printed had teeth that were too small and would have broken when the turbine started moving. Because we had the 3D printer we were able to rapid prototype the gears by making several until we got ones that worked the best. I think I can use 3D printing in the future for by making a better gear ratio to produce more power.

By Charles O.

April 24
Getting Ready for the competition

Here at BCHS, final preparations are under way for th​e regional Kidwind Competition at James Madison University on Saturday April 25th. Watch this blog for more information and thoughts from the students who are participating.



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 About this blog

About this blog
This blog is a place for the KidWind students to record their impressions and experiences while getting ready for and participation in the competition.