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Ed Ozols' Website


Technical Drawing

Technical Drawing and Design



FINAL exams are coming soon! Take the time to study the materials for the exam so that you can do well. The exam will count for 20% of your semester grade.


Those of you that leap ahead will get involved with 3D drawing that much quicker. We will start off with a pretest that has lots of questions that you will probably not know the answers to. That's ok because when I test you in the middle of the year and the end of the year, I will be able to see how much progress you have made. So, don't sweat the pretest. Take time to enjoy the class and if there is something specific that you want to learn how to do, we will see if we can fit it into the schedule. I am normally available for help before and after school and on the weekends I will be available via email. You can also use the discussion boards that I will make available to you to ask others how to do something. You are more than welcome to ask for any help you need from any source that can help you. That being said, please do not ask someone to do something FOR you. The goal is for you to learn.

Course Description 

In this foundation course, students learn the basic language of technical design, while they design, sketch, and make technical drawings, illustrations, models, or prototypes of real design problems. Students develop spatial ability as they apply mathematical concepts to visual representations. The course is especially recommended for future engineering and architecture students.




You will need a three ring binder.This is where you will keep your class materials. Your notebook will be checked for completeness once every two weeks. It will be graded according to a rubric which you will keep in front of your notebook. All of your materials will be available online at the class website on If your notebook is complete, you will receive a score of 100% for that segment of the class. You will be using this notebook as your study guide. Your test questions will come from the material in your notebook.

You will need a flash drive to store your drawings on. While it is possible to store your programs on the shared drive, this is not secure and you may lose your work.

You will also need an e-mail address. Your e-mail address will need to be professional, which I will explain in class. You can get an email address just to use for this class if your regular email address does not meet the naming requirements of this class. I suggest you use gmail as the gmail address makes it easier to sign in to some of the websites we will be using. 

Tests in this class will have two parts. The first part of the test will be constructed answer questions. The second part of the test will be drawing and/or designing. There will be regular pretests and posttests. The pretests will not be factored into your final grade, but will instead be used to let me know what I need to teach you. The posttests will be part of your grade and I will give you an opportunity to improve your grade if you do not do well on the posttest.  
Behavioral Expectations

My expectations for you as a class reflect the workplace readiness skills which are part of this class. You are expected to show up for class prepared to learn. This means that your materials will be ready and that you will respect others in the classroom by allowing them the opportunity to learn as well. There are classroom rules enumerated elsewhere on my website. Please remember that I can look at your computer screen wherever I am. You can expect to have some questions as we go through the material and there will be times that you will not understand what you are supposed to do. This is normal. Don't panic. Raise your hand and ask for help. I will get to you as quickly as I can.