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Homework is assigned to my child on a regular basis in every subject.
I am encouraged by the teachers to discuss schoolwork with my child.
I am regularly informed about my child's academic performance.
I believe teachers use a variety of approaches to meet the needs of my child.
My child is able to complete his/her homework assignments with limited assistance.
The school has prepared my child for the next grade.
School staff members set high, but appropriate and achievable goals for students.
Student performance is judged in a variety of ways.
Teachers set high expectations for student work.
Teachers tell students what they are expected to learn.
The administration and teachers believe my child can master the essential skills expected of all students.
The current amount of time for all academic classes is sufficient.
The principal has a strong role in instruction.
The school keeps track of each student's performance.
The school protects the instructional time of students from interruptions.
The staff regards classroom instruction as the most important priority.
The school emphasizes reading in every subject area.
Time is provided during the school day to address the learning needs of my child.
Activities outside of the classroom are used to support instruction.
My child is challenged at school.