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Communications are handled pleasantly and professionally.
Frequent communication occurs between parents, faculty, and administration.
I have been informed of the high expectations that have been set for my child's education.
I have been informed of the school's discipline policy.
I have been informed of what my child is expected to know and be able to do in each subject.
Parents and school personnel talk to each other frequently.
Parents are aware of school purposes and goals.
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Parents are encouraged to share ideas for scool improvement with administration and staff.
Parents are encouraged to support the instructional activities of the school.
Parents are given the opportunity to be involved in developing and reveiwing the school's mission and goals.
Parents are kept aware of how well their children are doing in school.
Parents receive good news about the achievement and behavior of their children.
Parents receive information when student achievement/behavior is below expectations.
Teachers are available for conferences at a time convenient for parents.
Teachers provide me with suggestions on how I can help my child at home.
Teachers return phone calls/emails promptly.
The principal encourages positive and frequent communication between staff and parents.
The principal is willing to listen to parent concerns.
The principal keeps parents well informed about school goals and the academic program of the school.
The school uses a variety of methods to inform me about what is happening at the school.