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Food Service


Parents--To see if your student qualifies for Free & Reduced-Price meals, please contact Lumina Shifflett, School Nutrition & Wellness Director, at 839-2722.  You'll save $$, and help your school gain additional federal funds that will be spent in your school!  

 2012 Changes in School Lunches

This school year we are seeing changes in our food offerings in order to serve healthier meals.  Our lunches are including more fruits and vegetables and fewer grain products.  As a result of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010,  USDA has taken great strides to help reduce body fat and improve physical fitness for our students.  Please encourage your students to eat these meals and try some foods they may not have had the opportunity to eat before now.  Should you have questions or suggestions please do not hesitate to conact me, Lumina Shifflett at 839-2722.  We are here to serve your children and want breakfast and lunch to be positive experiences for them.



VES ManagerBrett
BCHS ManagerKelsey
MES ManagerStacy
School Nutrition SupervisorDebbie
​Bath County Public Schools
P.O. Box 67      12145 Sam Snead Highway
Warm Springs, VA  24484



School menus are presented below in Acrobat Reader format. To get the free Acrobat Reader program, go to



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In accordance with Federal law 7 U.S. Department of Agriculture Policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability.  To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA Director,  Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence  Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800)795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY).  USDA is an equal opportunity provider & employer.