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Update on Instructional Technology Applications

June 2009

The past three school years in Bath County Public Schools have been an exciting time for integrating technology into classroom instruction!  Wireless tablet computers and wireless LCD projectors helped teachers to utilize technology during direct instruction in a much more natural fashion than ever before.  Lightweight convertible computers can function as traditional notebook computers, but with a flip and twist of the display become mobile teaching devices that literally replace the chalkboard in many classrooms.  Using a stylus, teachers are able to annotate directly on the computer screen text and drawings that help presentations come alive for students.  The wireless LCD projector cuts out the cord that previously restricted teacher movement during presentations.  Teachers can hand off the tablet PC for a student to respond to a question "on the board," without getting out of his/her desk.

Tablet computers have come a long way in the last few years!

  • We use convertible tablets that can be used as a notebook computer as necessary
  • We have a mix of screen sizes & weights to match your preference:  12, 13.3 and 14 inch tablets
  • All of our newer tablets use Windows XP Pro, Office 2007 and OneNote 2007

We have learned a lot about wireless technology in the last three years.  Although we have utilized wireless technologies for many years, we now have approximately 40 Cisco 1130 access points strategically placed in our school buildings to provide a thick blanket of coverage throughout the buildings, able to support classroom applications and mobile labs.

Web content is humming along!  Many teachers are using their websites to communicate online with parents and students, using our division content management system.