Rick Bolling (
3/11/2014 8:57 PM): Comments noted.
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:57 AM): see below
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:35 AM): Our new History teacher did not know the procedures. Lockdowns procedures were reiterated at a faculty meeting and subs need to be given the crisis plan manual.
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:32 AM): Ms. Hamilton had a substitute and the classroom could not be locked. The custodians were not in a secure location. Not all doors would open with my set of keys. Radios from Mertz to new gym were not working. Band room doors missing handles. I did not find all staff members. One classroom was unlocked. Mrs. V. Smith's children were quiet but not in the correct location. Mr. Hicks did not have his children in a lockdown situation.