Rick Bolling (
3/11/2014 9:00 PM): What steps have been or will be taken to correct items noted?
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:55 AM): see comments below. Again, deficiencies were addressed with the staff.
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:10 AM): read comments below
Sarah Rowe (
3/11/2014 9:04 AM): There was a classroom that was unlocked. The band closet doors do not have handles. The custodians do not stop what they are doing for the drill. One class had a door not locked with students present: however the children were where they were supposed to be. Mr. Hicks's class needs to put his students in a less obvious location. Radios need to work from the new gym to the lower end of Mertz.