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Staff Meeting


Agenda: Network Issues

Quick Launch


Network Issues






Domain migration is about as far as we will take it--schools should not see more network changes for some time.  SAB still has its own domain, and may keep it--at least until we swap servers.
Several new switches are in store for BCHS, but users should not notice.  Age issue on major network backbone.  I have also replaced two of the primary UPS devices in the BCHS guidance server room--source of some problems recently with storms.
VES has a dead switch in the cafeteria.  I bypassed it last week.  This died during the storm the other week, knocking out PE office and bus garage data line.  Will replace this switch.
Proxy-enabled internet use problem & high school network problem today was caused by the final step of the domain migration.  Actually, the new domain structure made this fix much easier to design--part of the point of the single domain structure.


Created at 4/25/2006 10:54 PM by Paul Lancaster
Last modified at 4/25/2006 11:26 PM by Paul Lancaster