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060222-Staff Mtg.


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Sue Hirsh
Sue Hirsh
3rd Observation - Tier 1 - Due 3/8/06
TE#5 - Tier1, 2 & 3 - Due 3/17/06
Recommendations for Reemploument - Due 3/24/06
Dr. Smith
Paul Lancaster
The network domain migration is moving along.  The VES domain is gone.  MES migration is scheduled for March 1 and 2.  BCHS is scheduled for March 30 and 31.
The new VES server is fully functional; MES will get a new server next week.  All three schools will then have the latest server operating system.
Paul Lancaster
Don't forget AL!  Per my email last week, please help your technology resource teacher to schedule an introduction for staff ASAP.  The email included staff and parent/student handouts, a PowerPoint introduction, a reference to the website, and logins/passwords.
Please assist your staff when they want to plan a 'course' of study (5+ hours) with Atomic Learning for licensure  renewal.   98220     94200
Paul Lancaster
     -Division, schools, administrative services, personnel
Parent/Student Handbooks
Staff Handbooks
Postings in Staff Lounges
Included with Applicant packets
Included with Contracts?
Paul Lancaster
Weatherbug Achieve - If you ignore it, it will go away...  in just a few months.  Please encourage your teachers to use this resource.
Paul Lancaster
16 folks with "teacher" attached to their job title have demonstrated technology integration activities for the flash drive initiative.  14 non-teachers have earned a flash drive.
Are you requiring technology integration in lesson plans?
Are you requiring technology integration activities as a part of teacher observations/evaluations?
Are your classroom teachers TEACHING and MODELING required technology standards of learning?
Technology integration will not happen in a building unless the PRINCIPAL models it and expects to see it in all classroooms. 
Paul Lancaster
Site requires authentication with staff email login/password:
     -Staff SharePoint site includes link for BSBO forms
     -Is also launching point for other restricted SharePoint sites
Paul Lancaster
Tuesday, March 14, 2006  9:45am
Please send confirmation email to Paul, with comments about how things went, suggestions, etc.
Dr. Smith